January 16, 2025

Ideas For Your Next Corporate Event

Corporate Events

Event Ideas

Events are an excellent way to develop relationships with new and current customers as well as your employees. The most challenging step of planning a corporate event is coming up with a creative idea. The theme of the event can determine if it is a winner or loser. My first suggestion is to think about your target audience and think about what a successful event means to you.

A corporate event can be a thank you to your employees, clients or vendors. Events often have an educational component or focus on the launch of a new product, theme or corporate direction. The environment you set up sets the tone and mode of the event for everyone involved.

If you are serious about making it a memorable event be sure to find a venue outside of your office or building. This shows there is value and thought behind the event.

You might wish to add some depth to the event by bringing outside entertainment our resources. Below is a list of a few ideas.

  • Comedian
  • Face-painter
  • Caricature artist
  • Specialty topic speaker
  • Food trucks
  • Musicians

In many cases, you can search for local speakers or entertainment, such as caricature artists or find a speaker at speakers bureau or online https://expertfile.com/speaker resource.

If you are really adventurous you can try some of these ideas we found on the website coburgbanks.co.uk/blog:  Honestly, we don’t know what many of these things are, a few are very British. Check out their website for more details and commentary on the listed items. Most important, we thought the list might get your creative juices flowing.

1. Segway Experiences.
2. Horse riding.
4. Sheep herding.
5. Strawberry picking.
6. Tough Mudder.
7. Zorbing.
8. Soap Box Derby.
9. Building things.
10. Orienteering.
11. Bingo.
12. Hire a barge.
13. Get cultural – museums or art galleries.
14. Murder mystery night.
15. Make a movie.
16. Outdoor cinema.
17. Escape Games.
18. Disco Yoga.
19. Crime Scene Investigation.
20. Visit the circus. Or, Cirque De Soleil.
21. A magic show.
22. Laser Quest.
23. Board Game Day.
24. Treasure hunt.
25. Visit the zoo.
26. Visit the petting zoo.
27. Adult-sized ball-pit and play area.
28. Egg and flour fight. Why not?
29. Build a giant water slide.
30. Theme Park/ Water Park.
31. Sausage making.
32. Food-eating competition.
33. Mad Hatter’s tea party.
34. Baking class.
35. Cookery class/ competition.
36. Chocolate making.
37. Host a picnic.
38. Brewery tour.
39. “I’m an employee, get me out of here.” – event
40. Visit an Ice Bar.
41. Snorkel with the sharks.
42. A team sky dive.
43. Cabaret/ Burlesque Night.
45. Hire the Tower Bridge out!
46. Trip to Vegas.
47. “Helicopter Treasure Hunts.”
48. Hot air ballooning.
49. Hire a luxury yacht.
50. Hire a castle for the weekend (you many need to travel)
51. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Love this.
52. Pokémon event.
53. Tetris – life-size game of the old classic.
54. Dinosaur party..
55. Game of Thrones party.
56. A Tarantino party.
58. Three-legged party.
59. Jungle party.
60. Duck Hunting.
61. Ferret racing.
62. Arm wrestling competition.
63. Football golf.
64. Falconry.
65. The Highland Games.
67. Sumo wrestling.
68. Ping Pong.
69. Live sport. You could go and watch some live sport – like football, the races or rugby.
70. Rounders.
71.Volunteering with animals.
72. Water projects.
73. Fundraising events.
74. Sponsored sporting events.
75. Be a fundraiser for the day.
76. Sponsored (non-sporting) events.
77. Gardening projects.
78. Community voluntary work.
79. Clean up projects – someone needs to do it.
80. General help. Or you could do something great like help out a charity

Corporate events can return a positive ROI (return on investment). Having an educated team improves creativity and new ideas for your company. It can increase employee morale, which can lead to higher productivity and lower turnover. The same can be said for clients and vendors. Consider creating a small event first and then build up over time and your company begins to see the benefits.


1 thought on “Ideas For Your Next Corporate Event

  1. I liked that you said that one thing to consider including during your corporate event is the use of an educational component or focus as well as entertainment so that your guests will learn important information as well. I have been thinking about starting my own business but I haven’t been sure how I would continuously educate my employees. I would be sure to continuously hold corporate educational events to teach them how to be more productive and happy employees.

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