July 27, 2024

Marketing A Moving Company

Moving Truck - Market your moving business

Marketing Your Moving Company Business

Moving companies often experience a seasonal slow down at some point during the year. Many movers struggle to keep busy. If you find your self in this position it’s a good time to think about marketing your moving company.

The moving business is a competitive business. We have had success supporting moving companies around the country with Digital insight, strategy and tactics. Some strategies are obvious, while other ideas you may have never thought about.

If you are interested in growing your moving company then you found the right article.

How do you grow a moving company?

Whether you are starting a new business or decided to expand or grow your current moving company, it can be scary trying to figure out where to put your time and or money. The key is to have a plan, budget and the willingness to see your plan through.

Too many people try marketing their business for a short period of time and quit. The fact is it can take time to make marketing work for you in the most efficient way.

Fortunately, digital marketing is effective for moving companies and allows your marketing team to test strategies to see what works and what does not work in the moving industry.

Proven ways to generate free leads For Your Moving Companies

Below list a list of ways in which you can earn leads for your moving company. Some are paid, while others are free for you to start developing right now. We address many of these options further in the article.

  • Social media – There are billions of people on social networks, if you believe in relationships are part of your growth strategy, then social media should be part of your plan.
  • Referrals – This is the bread and butter of many moving companies. It’s import to not just let referrals happen, but have a plan around the referral process.
  • SEO – Make it easy for people to find you when searching the web. Good search engine optimization (SEO) gives you a fighting chance to be seen online.
  • Email marketing – Collect emails early and target new customers, re-targeting old customers using email campaigns and social media such as Facebook to develop audiences you need your services.
  • Traditional media channels – Don’t forget TV, radio, local magazines and, newspapers. They can still be effective, especially for older demographics.
  • Partnerships and collaborations – partnering with other companies and individuals can be one of the best options to find new customers and opportunities.
  • Business listings and reviews – consumers today react to positive reviews and a strong presence of businesses on industry-relevant websites.

How do I get leads for my moving company?

Self moving

There are two common methods people find a moving company. They ask for a referral from their friends, mortgage broker, and real estate agents. It’s important to have a plan to help these people remember and refer your services.

Make sure your listings are up to date on sites such as home advisor, Yelp, Google Business and the many directories available online.

Next, consider the fact that most people who don’t receive a referral from people they know use Google or other search engines to search for a mover. We have found search engine optimization (SEO) in combination with Google Ads is a powerful combination to get our name in front of people looking for a moving resource.

Attract Moving Customers With Content

Think about all the questions your customers ask on regular bases. When you create content such as blog, podcasts, and video with tips for your customer, if makes your the expert. Most importantly it adds trust to the equation when people are selecting a mover.

Moving might not seem like an exciting topic, however, there is plenty of information you can share with your prospects. We recommend you write several articles on attractions in your town. Answer questions people often have about moving to your area.

The fact is when you write articles for your business, you improve your website SEO (search engine optimization) which makes it easier for people to find you.

Become an industry leader and share industry insight and the latest news with your blog readers. You might want to hire a professional company to provide a steady flow of articles that can help your business get in front of the right people.

Social Media And Your Moving Company

Despite a large amount of traffic on social media, many moving companies still do not utilize social media outlets as much as they should. The following are tips on which social media platforms you might want to use, and how to get most traffic with interesting social media posts.

The fact is, many industries have tuned in to the large market and work hard to maintain a positive and actively engaged image across multiple social media channels.

Find The Right Talent For Your Moving Company

Social media is something that younger people generally know better. However, just because it has been present for the majority of their formative years, it doesn’t mean they know how to use it to market a business.

If you don’t have the budget to create a part-time social media/marketing position, try to create one, maybe as an internship program. College students studying PR/Advertising are often willing to partake in internships for the opportunity to learn.

Having someone internal is important, if possible. The reason is this person represents your business to the world. It is more than just posting to a website.

If you have trouble finding a social marketing prospect, try to reach out to local colleges to see if their communications department is willing to add your job description to any discussion boards.

Content Ideas

The fact is moving is not the most glamorous or exciting industry in the world. However, there is strong untapped potential for interesting posts to your social media. This Assumes you are already blogging and generating content about your industry.

Employee features

Each member of your staff undeniably has hidden talents somewhere, or has lived somewhere of interest. Possibly they have a relative who is famous or done something of interest in the community. Select a member of your staff, find out something interesting about them, and try to do an employee feature about once or twice a month. This will give your social media a personal real family touch, and your prospects online have the chance to connect with you and feel like they know who you are.


If your company has a holiday party, or does some type of give-back volunteer event to the community, be sure to post about it. Phe personal touch will make people more likely to use their service because they have a connection with you.

Client shout-outs to clients

Wish your client families good luck in their new places that you just moved. If you make a genuine and heartfelt post wishing your client luck on their adventure in their new home. A home that you just helped move them into. This will help to create a positive public image. Tagging the family in the post will also allow friends of them to see, and give you the possibility of earning views from family, friends and associates.

Instagram For Movers

Instagram is a hot social media trend. Although it has been around for several years, it consistently earns a high volume and traffic and an easy platform to learn. Instagram allows you to share photographs with captions that show up in a feed type form for anyone that follows your account.

A moving company can utilize Instagram if you have someone who takes interesting and aesthetic pictures and is able to come up with clever or interesting ideas.

Hashtags are an important part of Instagram. Be sure to use them with your business posts. This will generate traffic to your page for people looking for information about moving companies.

Facebook For Movers

Facebook allows you to use photos of your business and share what you’re up to. However, unlike Instagram, Facebook allows you to share more detail and give additional information about your business. It also allows you to post meaningful and insightful content such as articles and videos. You can also repost content that other relevant profiles have published. On Facebook, you’re also allowed to join Facebook group that has to do with your industry.

Twitter For Movers

Twitter is not for everyone. However, if you believe in the power of networking and public relations as part of your business model. Then, Twitter might be for you. Twitter allows you to reach large audiences through the use of appropriate hashtags, and retweeting content from big names in your industry. Twitter is keyword focused, so it’s important to develop a theme around your account.


Video is a great way to generate traction in all of your social media. You can post a video on all social media platforms these days. You might even consider going live. You can edit your videos in short clips which people can quickly view on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Consider creating helpful videos such as best practices when moving, how to’s.

It idea behind social media is good public relations, show the human side of your business and most importantly, generate new business. If a prospect is looking for a moving company for their next personal or business move and they remember that someone they know, shared a post from a moving company, they are more likely to consider that company. A strong social media presence lets people get a better understanding of your company.

More Thoughts About Growing A Moving Company

In the slower times of the year, we recommend expanding your advertising. It’s true, such a move seem counter-intuitive. However, this is when advertising often cost less for your type of business. You might want to also consider the fact that when there are few people looking for a mover, there may be less competition advertising and increasing your advertising can help even out your slow times.

Act Quickly on your leads. When a lead comes to your website, jump on it quick. Remember, this prospect probably has most likely requested information from more than your company. When you are the first to so reach out it increases your chances of getting the job.

Here is a study from The Harvard Business Review.

In brief: The study included 1.25 million sales leads received by 29 B2C companies and 13 B2B companies in the United State. It turns out the companies which tried to contact potential customers within one hour of receiving a query were nearly seven times as likely to make a connection than as those that tried to contact the customer over an hour later. Even bigger, more than 60 times as likely as companies that waited 24 hours or longer. Amazing.

It’s all about education

It’s a well know statistic, the average American moves around 12 times in their lifetime. On average, they move about once every five years.

This means that customers don’t know what to expect when it’s time to start packing up the house. This is why, as mentioned above, its a good idea to create marketing content which will inform the customer or prospect about every step of their future move.

This means useful moving videos which should helpful tips, tricks and hacks to improve their moving experience. How to move glass items, prepare large items or valuable collections are good topics. Think about the pain points you have with your customers. Try offer information they will appreciate before moving day.

Keep It Easy

When you are professional in the moving business, it’s second nature to throw around terms of the moving trade. Unfortunately, many of those words and phrases don’t mean much to your customers.

Moving company marketing teams (or owners) should make sure communication with customers is broken down into simple language which their customer can understand. If a customer is confused it’s hard to say yes to your service, even if you think you sound smart and professional.

How do you build a successful moving company?

Marketing is certainly an important step in growing your moving company. You can use a professional service or develop your plan on your own. Either is fine. However, it’s important that you plan your marketing as a consistent process over the long term. Marketing is not a short term shot in the dark to get more business for your moving company.

Understand that everyone on your team is a referral opportunity and brand ambassador. Start with the people around you to help grow your company. Give everyone the incentive and tools to make your moving company a success.

Partner With Other Businesses

Partner with other companies who target the same audiences such as real estate professionals, mortgage brokers and local businesses who have a pulse on the community.

Pay attention to online review opportunities. People do look at Yelp, Google and other directories which pop-up on Google. They are looking for referrals and third party confirmation. Encourage your happy customers to give you a review. Don’t worry about bad reviews, however, you should respond with kindness and understanding.


Keep an eye out for underserved niches in your area. A moving company can be far more than relocated residences of a community.

Make sure you know your customers. If you happen to move someone important within a community, make sure you do a good job and ask for a testimonial to display on your website. If appropriate, don’t forget to take pictures too.

Your marketing starts with your people, then your website and good follow up. Your reputation is everything in the moving industry. This is especially true if you serve a town or small region.

You only have seconds to impress, so make sure you have the best, easy to use, helpful website your budget can afford.

Marketing is a year-round activity, so don’t stop when you’re busy. The last thing you want to do is start your marketing when the business starts to slow down. Marketing a moving company is competitive and you need every advantage you can get.

Good luck!

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