Wikipedia defines the visual arts as being art forms such as painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, filmmaking, design, crafts, and architecture. Many artistic disciplines such as performing arts, conceptual art, and textile arts also involve aspects of visual arts as well as arts of other types.
In working on the commercial side of visual arts, as photographers, we are intermingled with many other types of visual artists as well as writers, producers, directors, musicians, sound and lighting engineers, etc. Therefore, in any given advertisement, you can find all these forms of art working together to create the said ad.
An example of a commercial artist is a graphic designer. They are responsible for creating visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. In addition, they develop the overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports.
What are 3 types of visual art?
When it comes to visual arts, there are generally three types:
- Decorative
- Commercial
- Fine art
Decorative art, such as wall art, sculptures, and rugs, is used to make a space more aesthetically pleasing. My family friends have a home decor boutique where they use all of these decorative art forms in their shop on display and for their clients in their homes. You could say they are “professional decorative artists.”
Commercial art is any art used in a commercial setting, such as advertisements, product packaging, and logos. This is the category where my agency falls. We are a firm that includes digital and visual arts. In the marketing industry, web developers are also sought after for their ability to design, create, and code websites.
Fine art includes paintings, drawings, sculptures, and other forms of artwork that are created purely for aesthetic purposes. At one time, our firm actually represented a fine art photographer. Although he was a fine artist, companies would buy his images to superimpose, for example, a car into an outdoor scene. However, those opportunities became fewer as CGI hit the scene. Computer-generated Imagery (CGI) is a go-to tool for advertisers as advanced technology has made it more accessible and cost-effective. CGI offers endless opportunities for designers and artists to produce the images they need to represent a product
What are the 7 elements of art?
The seven elements of art are line, shape, space, value, form, texture, and color. These elements are the building blocks that artists use to create their masterpieces.
- Line is probably the most basic of the seven elements. It is simply a mark on a surface, whether that surface is paper, canvas, wood, glass, etc. Lines can be straight or curved, thick or thin, horizontal or vertical.
- Shape is another element that is created when lines intersect. Shapes can be geometric (think squares and circles) or organic (think of a leaf or a cloud).
- Space refers to the distance between objects or the area around them. It can be positive (the space around an object) or negative (the space within an object).
- Value is the element of art that deals with light and dark. Artists use value to create the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface.
- Form is the element that deals with the actual three-dimensional quality of an object. A cube, for example, has a different form than a sphere.
- Texture is the element that deals with the surface of an object. Smooth or rough, hard or soft, textured or not, this element adds interest to a piece of art.
- The color element is probably the most self-explanatory, as it refers to the hues used in a work of art.
What are visual elements in advertising?
Visual imagery is used to attract attention, stimulate curiosity, illustrate product features and benefits, create and develop a personality for a product, associate the product with certain symbols and lifestyles, and establish a brand’s identity in the target audience’s minds.
Several different types of visual elements can be used in advertising, including pictures, illustrations, logos, and color schemes.
Pictures are probably the most common type of visual element used in advertising. Photographs and other images grab attention, evoke emotions, and give viewers a better idea of the product. Even though it is something a rookie does, I still love to assist on photo shoots. It is fun for me to watch how our clients interact with each other while we try to get them to act as “naturally” as possible. Some people really struggle with that, but that’s where Photoshop, designers, and illustrators come in!
Illustrations are used to add interest and appeal to an ad, as well as to convey certain messages more effectively than an image could alone. They work as a team as I said, we are very intermingled. For example, a cartoon character or mascot can help make a product seem more friendly and approachable.
Color schemes are also important in advertising. Specific colors can be used to evoke certain emotions, and they can also help to create a specific look or feel for a brand. For example, blue is often used to convey trustworthiness and reliability, while green represents nature or environmental friendliness.
How are colors used in advertising?
Color is essential to any advertising campaign as it conveys the right mood and allows potential customers to associate those emotions with your products or services. The proper color combination leads to the right feelings.
The use of color in advertising dates back to the early days of print ads when different colors were used to attract attention and convey particular messages. For example, red was often used to represent excitement or danger, while blue conveyed trustworthiness and reliability. Today, color is just as important in advertising as it ever was. Certain colors can be used to evoke certain emotions, and they can also help to create a particular look or feel for a brand. It is said that you have about three seconds to grab your viewers’ attention before they click away from your site.
Colors, photos, and content (writing) all play together to keep a viewer on the site as well as engaged. Once they are on the website, it is essential to have a consistent look and feel throughout the site. Different colors can be used for different sections of the website, but it is vital to maintain a sense of cohesion. Keep it simple but thoughtful.
When used effectively, visual elements are a powerful tool for advertisers.
What is visual arts?
In conclusion, visual arts are an essential part of our lives; from creating peaceful settings in our homes to helping our small business grow their customer base, they help us think outside the box and enrich our lives.